When it comes to our pets and the cold snap the most important point to note is, if it is cold for you, it is cold form them!
You need to take extra precautions to ensure our dogs, cats and small furies are kept safe and hidden from the potentially fatal hazards as temperatures plunge in Ireland this week.
As with humans, pets fall ill upon exposure to extremely cold temperatures for extended periods.
Here are ten top tips to help avoid over exposure to the cold.
1. We at Rockhall Veterinary would suggest walking your dogs for shorter periods more frequently.
2. Invest in some stylish outerwear for your fine coated furries. The small breeds and the fine coat breeds are particularly susceptible.
3. If you can bring them in! Keep older cats inside at all times during the cold snap, and healthy young cats should have access to a dry warm insulated bed with plenty of bedding if they are not accustomed to being inside. Draught & damp free shelter is key to feral animals survival.
4. Feed them, if you can please leave out food for your feral families and ensure their water bowls are not frozen.
5. Avoid walking your pets in areas where there is frozen ponds or lakes. Animals don’t understand the difference between solid ground and ice and can easily fall through. If your animal does fall through please call the emergency services for professional help, do not attempt to go in after them. We appreciate that this is distressing but please wait for the professionals.
6. Wash and dry your dogs and cats paws clean when they come inside. De-icer’s, salt & grit can be very hard on their pads.
7. Check their pads regularly for cracks or burns, and any redness between their toes.
8. Rabbits, Guinea pigs etc that live outdoors are vulnerable to the cold too, especially if it is very damp outside. Give extra bedding and food and make sure their water bottles have not become frozen. Again dry and draught free, off the ground shelter is key.
9. Feed them a well balanced diet, as they will burn up more energy keeping warm than normally. This is especially important in those live outside.
10. BRING THEM IN! If you can at all, bring them in!