The Spring has sprung and the ticks are thriving!!

10 things you need to know about Lyme’s Disease.  “You and your pet” 

By Dr. Garrett Teskey.

BVM&S BTECH. Shannon Vets. Rockhall Veterinary.

1) Lyme disease is caused by an infectious bacterium spread by ticks.

2) For infection to occur the infected tick must become attached and feed, so if “you or your pet” are bitten by an infected tick both “you or your pet” are potentially at risk.

3) Not all ticks are infected with Borrelia burgdogrferi (the infectious agent for Lyme disease) so not all tick bites result in infection with Lyme disease, however it is estimated that 50 to 100 human cases are diagnosed in Ireland each year.

4) Areas of greatest risk to attaining a tick bite, are woodlands, river walks, hills etc where Tick-carrying animals such as deer, mice or sheep are in abundance and the long grasses etc aid their transfer onto “you or your pet.”

5) Seeking medical advice would be recommended on how to effectively remove a tick as the sooner it is removed the less likely it is the infection will be transferred.

6) The first symptom of Lyme disease is often a rash (erythema migrans) that can appear 3 to 30 days after the tick bite. It starts as a small red dot at the bite site but may grow larger with time. The centre of the spot often fades creating a characteristic “bull’s-eye” appearance. Other symptoms include fever, chills,headaches, stiff neck, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain.

7) Occasionally, a severe form of Lyme disease can develop and the heart, joints or the nervous system can be affected.

8) Lyme disease is treatable and a  course of antibiotics is usually all that is required in the early stages of infection to rid the body of the bacterium.

9) Our pets are constantly rambling through the bushes and grass land etc where ticks can easily be picked up.  There are a range of prescription products available from “vets only” that will protect your pet from ticks, and if your pet does not bring the unwelcome guest of a tick home in the first place, it is less likely that “you too will be bitten”.

10) If you do find ticks on your pet we would advise following up with your vet to have the ticks removed and your pet treated accordingly.

The Tick protection products we recommend for your Cats & Dogs are Bravecto, Nexgard Spectra and Broadline.

If you have any questions about Ticks, then please email us at, and
