By Dr. Kathy Enright
MICROCHIPPING is a simple procedure to help identify your pet, if it is lost or stolen. It is also part of the requirements for the pet passport scheme and since April 2016, it is a legal requirement in Ireland to have your dog microchipped. Although
this law currently only relates to dogs, this does not mean that microchipping other pets such as your cats and ferrets is not as
important .
Microchipping involves using an implanting device containing a small electronic chip the size of a rice grain and implanting it under your dog’s skin. It is safe and largely painless to implant, similar to giving an injection.
The chip is usually present for life and doesn’t need replacing unless it becomes damaged or stops working, which is very rare. These chips can be scanned allowing approved people such as Veterinary Surgeons, Dog Wardens, Animal Welfare Organisations, and the Gardaí to access the owner’s details, to reunite pets with their loved ones.
These approved people and organizations routinely check lost or stray animals for microchips and allow for the safe return home of your pet.
Please remember if you move address or change your phone number to update your microchip information on the holding database e.g. Fido or Animark, so we can always get your pet home safely to you. June is microchipping month at Rockhall Vets, and we are offering 10% off all microchip placements.
If you’re interested in finding out more about microchipping or would like to book an appointment with us, please call 061 314203 today, and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.